Services We Offer
American West Water Advisors has a passion for water resources and a keen interest in helping clients solve their water resource challenges.
How can we help you?
Water Rights Administration
- Water Rights Permitting
- Domestic Wells
- Irrigation, Municipal, or Commercial Use
- Change of Ownerships
- Water Right Transfers
- Change in place and/or purpose of use
- Indian Water Right Settlements
- Active Water Resource Management
- Shortage Sharing Agreements
- Conjunctive Management
- Preliminary Approvals
- Emergency Authorizations
- Demand Management (Colorado River)
- Dam and Levee Safety & Permitting
Water Supply
- Water Supply Development
- Water reuse
- Desalination
- Aquifer Storage and Recovery
- Weather Modification
Water Planning
- Drought Planning / Mitigation
- Local, State and Regional Planning
- Planning Assistance to the States (USACE)
- Environmental Planning & Permitting
- Hydrology, Hydraulics, Sedimentation and Floodplain Management
Water Policy
- Intergovernmental Negotiations
- Legislation (State & Federal)
- Congressional Hearings and Testimony
- State Legislative Hearings and Testimony
- Promulgating Rules & Regulations
- Drought Contingency Plans (Colorado River)
- Alternate Dispute Resolution
- Administrative Hearing
Water Infrastructure & Funding
- Infrastructure Funding, Planning, Design & Construction
- Dams & Levees
- Water Trust Board
- Acequia Rehabilitation
- Tribal Infrastructure
- Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Fund
- State Capital Outlay Funding
- Measuring, Metering, and Monitoring
Water Quality & Environmental Flows
- In-Stream Flow Permitting Issues
- ESA Compliance & Mitigation
- Environmental Clean-up
Strategic Planning
- Organizational Management
- Financial/Budget Oversight
- Acquisition Strategy
- Public Outreach & Presentations
- Leadership & and Leadership Development
Interstate Compact Compliance
- Interstate/Intrastate Litigation Support
- Colorado River
- Rio Grande
- Pecos River
Program and Project Management
- USACE Civil Works/Military Construction/International and Interagency Support (IIS)
- Interface with clients/sponsors to assure our corporate effort results in delivering quality projects on time and at a reasonable cost
- Lead and establish effective project management processes to ensure the project efficiently integrates technical functions of planning, engineering, construction, real estate, and contracting
- Improve internal processes and systems in organizations to enhance productivity and accountability
- Focus on providing excellent Customer Service and Customer Relations